poll or pole?

Name : khairil
Sisters : khairanie.
Brothers : khairidz
Shoe size : 7-8
Height : 165cm
Where do you live : kola perlis - arau - shah alam - putrajaya

Have you ever
Been on a plane : never ..but will in 070209
Swam in the ocean : i do.."Anak jati kola"
Fallen asleep at school : often,uncountable
Fell off your chair : yups
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call : yups,on my birthday..
Saved e-mails : yups

What is your room like : hell? nope..ok la
What’s right beside you : my gf's phone + keys + cpu
What is the last thing you ate : kuih apa tah..color ijau+nyior+kuah gula melaka

Ever had
Chicken pox : age 5.
Sore throat : yups
Stitches : right up my head!
Broken nose : xkot

Do you
Believe in love at first sight :fuck that..i've been dumped!
Like picnics: camping?

Who was/were the last person
You danced with : ramai la..kat ruums
Last made you smile : my gf
You last yelled at : cousin..Adips

Today did you
Talk to someone you like : my friends n my gf
Kissed anyone : xkot
Get sick : xkot
Talk to an ex : xkot
Miss someone :my Pak Tam..god bless u..i love n miss u..

Who do you really hate
-someone who always have a question in everything
-people with stinky armpit ..go grab some deodorant bitch

Is there a person who is on your mind now : pak tam ..i miss him..god bless u
Do you like your hand-writing : xkot
Are your toe nails painted : xkot
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : PM's bed, can i?
What color shirt are you wearing now : black
Are you a friendly person : xkot..kwn rapat ok la
Do you have any pets : dulu ada..skrg xkot
Do you sleep with the TV on : seldom
What are you doing right now : job!
Can you handle the truth : xkot.depend la
Are you closer to your mother or father : mak..i love u
Do you eat healthy : xkot..bantai ja..janji less sugar
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : yups..(gf) don't get mad
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : mak..but yet mygf
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : ngan kwn rapat ja..
Are you confident : xkot(darah gemuruh)

5 things I was doing 10 years ago
-form 1
-like grunge music
-played soccer..futsal xdak lagi time tu
-met new friends
-1st time masuk hostel

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire
-buy houses and cars.
-spend on lot of beauty and sexy girls.
-shopping branded clothes.
-start a business
-derma kot

5 of my bad habits
-boros..when it's all about fashion
-easily attract at sexy and beauty girl
-hot tempered

5 places I am living in
-kola perlis
-shah alam


NinZZ DoubleZ said...

Wei... Kenapa ang letak blog aku ada ziana zain... edit weii... delete zz tu!

scarletonblack said...

Yo bro! aku da link blog hg,..anyhoo, the bad habit yg tak smyg tu, sama la kita!! hehe,..and not proud of it,..kekeke,..hg p mana bulan feb taun dpn? i see u around!

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.