Salam Aidil Fitri

Assalamualaikum dan salam sejahtera.

Selamat Hari Raya AidilFitiri kepada semua muslimat dan muslimah di seluruh dunia.

Maaf Zahir dan Batin..


back to skool

Nasib aku kot memang kena study lagi..start umo 13 tahun..aku dah jaoh dari family coz study nyer pasal...sambung diploma then degree(xabeh pon).. time dok wat degree gatai tangan apply kerja ngan SPA..tub-tub dapat kerja..kalu aku tolak tawaran kerja tuh..SPA akan blacklist nama aku 3tahun..so walaupun i've graduate nanti pon aku xleh mintak kerja ngan govt..nasib badan..so i quit my study(tinggal 2sem je kot) and pick to work as govt servant ..huhu...but...at last aku dapat tawaran further study Science Comp kat UKM..thanxs GOD.. pagi bangun pukul 0645 am then siap pergi kerja...abeh kerja kul 0500 pm pastu terus ke UKM coz class start kul 0700 pm..huih! 3 years kena wat rutin ni..study lagi..study sampai tua..nasib badan..xper..aku cuma ada satu je impian aku ..dari kecik lagi..aku memang nak ada Degree gak..xkesah susah macam mana pon..aku nak gak study sampai abeh..


raya wishlist

On my 'raya' list there is a lot of things that I've already planned to grab..he3..just for this 'raya' I only have this chance to taste my own money(from my salary+bonus)..how lucky i am..tapi nie semua banyak nie..untuk bag aku kena pilih satu ja..but both worth at RM2++ huhu..untuk kasut already bought it(onitsuka tiger mexico 66 rakugaki series)..bought by my best frenz(Azam) straightly from Japan at 9900 Yen (RM370)+courier ..sweater is too expensive ..both of them worth RM 3++ each.. but only one belt i like ..quicksilver leather belt..Price at RM1++


Rapidshare Premium Account For Free

Below are the steps to get a Rapidshare PREMIUM ACCOUNT for free and earn some extra money as well. Just try it out, you will be amazed as you see how easy it is!

1. Go to AW$urveys and register (free and fast), you will get $6 because of the link without doing anything, just click "Create A Free Account" and fill in the fields (yes you do, no joke!).

2. Secondly, create a paypal account, this is ABSOLUTELY FREE. Go to Paypal and click "Sign Up". Choose premier account. If it asks for your bank or credit card, just cancel (yes, premier account is 100% free).

3. Now, with the account created at (1) you can EASILY earn money on that site, answer and fill out the questions and get $4 for each opinion! (it will also show you the amount of money you earned).

4. Click on "Redeem Money" and you will get your earned money sent to your paypal

account!5. Now, just go to Rapidshare and register your 1 year premium account!

Follow steps above, and you should be able to download things like crazy!!!

Try it out yourself, you don't risk anything and this is
100% real! Have Fun with it.